total 6
You can draw diagrams and flowcharts with mermaid. ```mermaid graph TD A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer] B --> C[Server1] B --> D[Server2] ``` graph TD A[Client] --> B[Load Balancer] B --> C[Server1] B --> D[Server2] ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant Alice participant Bob Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John->>John: Fight...
renders inline Tex and LaTeX in $ using MathJax. $ f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 1 $ $ \int_{0}^{\pi} \sin(x) \, dx = 2 $ $ \sum_{n=1}^{10} n^2 = 385 $ $ f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 1 $ $ \int_{0}^{\pi} \sin(x) \, dx = 2 $ $...
You can set redirect in front matter to redirect to other page. --- layout: post redirect: --- if you set external-posts-category-name in _config.yml, you can see all external posts in category page. external-posts-category-name: external-links /categories#external-links
You can set series in front matter to group posts. (optional) --- layout: post series: features --- with series, navigation to other posts in series will be shown in the bottom of the post. if height of post is over client height, navigation will be shown in the top of...
set menu in _config.yml file to show menu button(#) in the top of the page. (optional) menu: - text: Menu - text: About url: /about - text: Tags url: /tags - text: Categories url: /categories - text: u can write html like - html: <table style="margin:0 auto"><thead><tr><th style="text-align:center">1</th><th style="text-align:center">2</th><th style="text-align:center">3</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td...
set footer in _config.yml file to show footer in the top of the page. (all attribute is optional) footer: name: your-name-here link: